AzuraCast is an open-source web radio management suite that allows users to host their own internet radio stations. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to install AzuraCast on your server.
Login to your server
Make a directory
# mkdir -p /var/azuracast
Go to the AzuraCast directory
# cd /var/azuracast
Installation AzuraCast
# curl -fsSL >
# chmod a+x
# yes 'Y' | ./ setup-release
# yes '' | ./ install
You can use a helper tool in the Docker Utility Script to easily change the ports
# ./ update-self
# ./ change-ports
Your successes fully complete the AzuraCast installation and now set up AzuraCast
Open your browser and type the Ip address of your server
Create an account
After completing the web configuration, you can start using AzuraCast.